Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



10 AI voice scams that could rip you off

You’ve heard the stories … A CEO was conned out of $233,000 when someone copied the voice of his parent company’s boss. A 75-year-old woman nearly lost $27,500, thinking her grandson was in trouble. With as little as $4, anyone…

After appearing as a child actor in Tamil films in the 1960s, Kamal Haasan’s first leading role was in the Malayalam-language Kanyakumari in 1974. Kanyakumari was written by MT Vasudevan Nair, the author and filmmaker who is revered in Kerala…

Metro rail service to resume on August 17

Metro rail operation is set to resume on August 17, nearly a month after the suspension amid violence centring the quota reform protest.  However, the operation of two stations, Kazipara and Mirpur-10, which were vandalised on July 19, will remain…
